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Family Dedication

What is the Family Dedication Service?

This is an opportunity for us to join together as a faith community to celebrate the gift that these children are and to commit to partner together to love them and raise them to know Jesus.

During the service, one of the pastors will talk about the importance of families and how God has created each of us to be a part of a family. All of the families that are bringing children to be dedicated will come to the front of the auditorium for a time of prayer and dedication.

We believe this is a powerful moment for parents, kids, and extended family … and it’s something that followers of Jesus have been doing for thousands of years. You will commit as parents to do your best to point your children toward Jesus, modeling for them the love, forgiveness, and grace of God. And, you’ll commit to being honest about when you fall short in those areas so that your children can see and understand the Gospel of Jesus as it gets worked out in our daily lives.

How do I sign up for the Family Dedication Service?

Register here

When are the Family Dedication Services scheduled?

Our next Family Dedication Services are September 21-22, 2019 and May 9-10, 2020. You can choose the Saturday 5pm, Sunday 9am, or Sunday 11am service for either of those weekends.

Register here