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Consistent Investment in my Key 3 Relationships

Posted by Rudy Tamez on

When I look back in my life, I am thankful for David and Pam, my mom and dad, and Sam and Sylvia.  These people loved and invested in me when I was far from God and stubbornly doing things my own way.  I am grateful for the patience they showed me when I was stupid, the persistence in being there, and encouraging me when I discounted and ignored them.  Looking back I can see how they showed me the love God has for me, the greater purpose He wanted for me, and the simple truth that Jesus makes life better.  

Here at Eastern Hills we believe that Jesus makes life better by investing consistently in our key 3 relationships.  Key 3 relationships are relationships we have with people that are close to us but far from God to make investments that they can experience the love of Jesus.  The heart behind this is not to make people a project but to lovingly invest TIME with these key 3 relationships agenda-free.  Here are some steps you can take to invest some quality TIME in your key 3 relationships:

  • Take time to pray consistently for your key 3.
  • Initiate conversations with your key 3.
  • Meals (or margaritas) share a meal (or a margarita)  together with your key 3.
  • Expect opportunities to show that Jesus makes life better with your key 3.

These opportunities may come up because of different life circumstances or questions that come up as you do life together.  If you have questions about how to consistently invest in your key 3 you can email Kendal Hommes, our Reach Out Pastor, at .


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